索马里ECTN自2023年2月1日起 正式执行

Somalia will require an ECTN starting from February 1, 2023. 

The ECTN certificate contains in-depth information about your products, how they were transported between ports, and how long it took.

Before the products arrive at the port, each shipment to a country where ECTN is necessary must be accompanied by the ECTN certificate. With ECTN certifications, destination port authorities may have all necessary information before shipments actually arrive, enabling your products to be prepared for customs clearance.




电子货物跟踪单 ECTN/BESC


Notice - ECTN application Sierra Leone

Integrated Standard Group Limited would like to reinforce the announcement from the Republic of Sierra Leone Ministry of Finance on the collection of the Cargo Tracking Note (ECTN).

Kindly note that as from January 01st, 2023, shipping lines are mandated to enforce a “No ECTN, No Load” policy for all Sierra Leone importers and exporters.

Accordingly, all shippers, consignees and freight forwarders must ensure a valid and final ECTN certificate (no draft) is provided to respective local agencies prior to loading at POL for ALL shipments TO/FROM Sierra Leone.

Shipments without ECTN number before vessel’s operations start must be removed from the load list and corresponding containers MUST NOT be loaded.







Footer logo
Port Authority of Cotonou Headquarter ECTN Service Boulevard de la Marina BP 927 Cotonou, Bénin

As part of the new government reforms, the Council of Ministers of September 29, 2021, has decided to transfer the management of the Electronic Cargo Tracking Note or ECTN to the Port Authority of Cotonou, effective since 15 November 2021. Formerly managed by the National Council of Shippers of Benin, the ECTN is a trade facilitation document which allows the declaration of the goods from the port of embarkation, and is one of the compulsory documents for customs clearance of the goods. Except for floating cargoes, any cargo that arrives at the Port of Cotonou as final destination, without an issued and validated ECTN, cannot be customs cleared.

作为新政府改革的一部分,2021年9月29日的部长会议决定将电子货物跟踪单(ECTN)的管理权移交给科托努港务局,自2021 11月15日起生效。









喀麦隆BESC-PR 号码代替DI 号码的通知

Exporting to Cameroon - ANOR Replaces Declaration of Importation (DI No.) with PR Number

The Agence des Normes et de la Qualite (ANOR) has implemented the “PR Number” as mandatory information replacing the Declaration of Importation (DI No.) for Shipment Certification application under Programme d’Evaluation de la Conformité Avant Embarquement (PECAE) programme. Consequently, the Declaration of Importation (DI No.) has been rendered as optional information.

PR number, also known as NEF (E-force) number is the reference written on the top-right corner in GUCE platform’s “Fiche Tracking e-Force” document which is generated during import declaration application.

喀麦隆ANOR机构已实施“PR 编号”作为强制性信息,以取代 Program d’Evaluation de la Conformité Avant Embarquement (PECAE) 计划下的装运认证申请的进口申报 (DI No.)。 因此,进口声明(DI 编号)已作为可选信息提供。

PR号,也称为NEF(E-force)号,是在GUCE平台的“Fiche Tracking e-Force”文件中,在申请进口报关时生成的,写在右上角的参考号。


自2022年5月1日起, 所有从中国出口至刚果布(The Republic of Congo)的货物都需要强制执行由目的港海关和标准局实施的产品符合性评定PCEC方案。

根据刚果布标准和质量管理局的相关法令要求,从2022年5月1日起,所有出口至刚果布的货物在海关清关时必须随附一张产品符合性证书CoC(Certificate of Conformity),以证明所进口的产品符合刚果布相关技术法规和标准要求, 此证书是货物在刚果布清关的必需文件。如未在发运前办理刚果布COC证书,货物到港后将无法清关,并可能面临高额海关罚金。


The General Director of the Congolese Shippers Council informs all Freight Forwarders, Shipping Lines, Shippers and Consignees that as from March 1st 2022, the new pricing for the Electronic Cargo Tracking Note (eCTN) is as follows:
all late requests (eCTN validation requested beyond five working days after departure of the vessel) will automatically be invoiced at eCTN cost plus 50%.



Cameroon National Shippers' Council has sent the below notice regarding ECTN validations. We would remind all shippers that all ECTN should be submitted no later than two days prior to the arrival of the consignment in Cameroon.




Since October 1st 2021 electronic ACI is mandatory for all exporters to Egypt.

Advance Cargo Information (ACI) is a new customs system under which Egyptian importers are required to declare full information about goods shipped to Egypt at least 48 hours before actual shipping from exporting country.

The ACI system will be implemented in two phases:
The Pilot Phase started on 1st of April 2021 during which a limited set of importers will be using the system under the close supervision of the Ministry of Finance and Customs Authority.
The full implementation is targeted to start on the 1st of October 2021 where both of the importers and exporters are expected to comply with ACI requirements.

自 2021 年 10 月 1 日起,所有发往埃及的货物都强制要求办理ACI预申报。

货物进口预申报 (ACI) 是一种新的海关系统,根据该系统,埃及进口商必须在从出口国实际发货前至少 48 小时申报运往埃及的货物的完整信息。

试行阶段从2021 年 4 月 1 日开始,在此期间,有限的进出口商将在财政部和海关当局的密切监督下完成ACI申报。
全面实施的日期是从 2021 年 10 月 1 日开始,届时所有的进出口商都应及时完成 ACI 相关申报。