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电子货物跟踪单 喀麦隆ECTN/BESC 合约更新通告(2024年度)

电子货物跟踪单   喀麦隆ECTN/BESC   合约更新通告(2024年度


*** 2024年2月6日,将摩托车按照整车标准计费;

*** 喀麦隆跟踪单号码有义务配合提交给承运人;

*** 喀麦隆BESC号码不强制显示在提单上,开船后可凭最终提单申请;


Cameroon requires all imports to have a BESC certificate issued by authorized sub-agencies such as Integrated Standard Representation. To obtain a BESC certificate, you must provide the necessary documents or fill out the form yourself. Obtaining a BESC certificate usually takes 2 days, but it is recommended to allow a week for processing. If your shipment is in transit through Cameroon, you do not need a BESC certificate. It is the responsibility of the shipper to obtain a BESC certificate, and shipments without one may be penalized.

欢迎发送邮件至:info@zhongbiao-standard.com 获得喀麦隆BESC的最新规定和报价。





Implementation of the ECTN/SPN in Ghana as from November 1st 2023

The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning(MOFEP) along with all relevant stakeholders,including shippers,importers,exporters,shipping agents,custom agents,forwarders,using Ghana Ports,are hereby notified that,SML in partnership with IOMLI as technical partner, have been engaged by the Ghana Revenue Authority to roll out an Enhanced Shipping Data Collection and Management program through Smart Port Note and Electronic Cargo Tracking Note System.


From 15th,September,2023,all shipments to Ghana,including transit cargoes,are mandatorily required to have the Electronic Cargo Tracking Number(ECTN/SPN)from the ports of loading for purposes of Customs clearance at entry to Ghana.Any cargo without a valid ECTN will attract fines.Implementation of the ECTN/SPN in Ghana as from November 1st 2023.

加纳CTN/SPN新规自2023年9月15日起试运行,于2023年11月1日起正式执行。届时,所有运往加纳的货物,包括过境货物,都必须提供对应的电子货物跟踪单(GHANA ECTN/SPN),以便在入境加纳时能够顺利的清关提货,任何没有办理加纳CTN/SPN的货物都将被处以罚款。


Please take note of the following:

1.Each Bill of Lading must be covered by one GHANA ECTN/SPN.
2.The GHANA ECTN/SPN must be issued and validated at the port of loading and is mandatory for import clearance to Ghana.

3.Any cargo without a valid GHANA ECTN/SPN will not be cleared through the local Customs until clearance of fines and presentation of a valid GHANA ECTN/SPN is done.
4.Shipping lines must insert the unique GHANA ECTN/SPN number in the Bill of Lading and Cargo Manifest.

5.Cargo without an ECTN/SPN will not be loaded on the vessel;fallure to do so will attract penalty/fines against the shipping line.

吉布提CTN-DJIBOUTI ECTN-2023年6月15日起正式执行

According to the offical notice released by Djibouti Ports Authority , as of June 15, 2023, all shipments that will be unloaded in Djibouti regardless of final destination must have a CTN certificate.

Djibouti Ports and Free Zone Authority has decided to carry on the ECTN procedure for shipments heading to Djibouti ports. It will be mandatory as of June 15th, 2023 and should be obtained from the port of loading by the shippers, exporters, or freight forwarders. The ECTN number must also be written on the bill of lading.Otherwise, there would be problem in the customs clearance and transshipment process.

Integrated Standard is the official oversea agent acceptable and allows you to easily get your ECTN certificate in no time.

If you have any questions or require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.



吉布提港务局决定对所有运往吉布提港口的货物执行DJIBOUTI ECTN程序。自2023年6月15日起,吉布提CTN将是强制性的,托运人、出口商或货运代理应从起运港申请办理。除此以外,每份提单上还必须注明对应的ECTN跟踪单号码。否则,货物的清关和转运过程中可能会出现问题。



The Gambian government has decided starting from 15th May 2023, all Exports & Import (including in-transit) to Gambia are subject to acquiring a Gambia CTN Certificate.The new regulation is mandatory for all cargo exported and imported to Gambia.

According to this new regulation, the Gambia CTN reference number must be inserted in the bill of lading goods description field and in shipment reference field. Goods without an Gambia ECTN number may be rejected from loading on the vessel.

See more details about Gambia CTN/ENS: http://www.zhongbiao-standard.com/insp/gambia-ens/

For more information on Gambia ECTN and required documents, please contact our skilled team via info@zhongbiao-standard.com





The Somalia government has decided as of April 29th, 2023, it is obligatory to write an ECTN Reference Number on the Bill of lading of the goods in all Somalia transactions. Goods without an ECTN number may be rejected from loading on the vessel.

With experience in the sector and a solution-oriented approach, “Integrated Standard” is the  consultant and assistant for exporters to handle complicated processes including Electronic Cargo Tracking Note (ECTN) for Somalia.

See more details about Somalia ECTN/BESC: http://www.zhongbiao-standard.com/ectn-besc-details/somalia-ectn-besc/

For more information on Somalia ECTN and required documents, please contact our skilled team via info@zhongbiao-standard.com







The Burkina Faso government has decided as of April 20th, 2023, it is obligatory to write an ECTN Reference Number on the Bill of lading of the goods in all Burkina Faso transactions.Goods without an ECTN number may be rejected from loading on the vessel.


Integrated Standard 众标标准,目前代理布基纳法索ECTN,国内直接申请,可以提前放号,确保出运货物顺利装船。

索马里ECTN自2023年2月1日起 正式执行

Somalia will require an ECTN starting from February 1, 2023. 

The ECTN certificate contains in-depth information about your products, how they were transported between ports, and how long it took.

Before the products arrive at the port, each shipment to a country where ECTN is necessary must be accompanied by the ECTN certificate. With ECTN certifications, destination port authorities may have all necessary information before shipments actually arrive, enabling your products to be prepared for customs clearance.




电子货物跟踪单 ECTN/BESC


Notice - ECTN application Sierra Leone

Integrated Standard Group Limited would like to reinforce the announcement from the Republic of Sierra Leone Ministry of Finance on the collection of the Cargo Tracking Note (ECTN).

Kindly note that as from January 01st, 2023, shipping lines are mandated to enforce a “No ECTN, No Load” policy for all Sierra Leone importers and exporters.

Accordingly, all shippers, consignees and freight forwarders must ensure a valid and final ECTN certificate (no draft) is provided to respective local agencies prior to loading at POL for ALL shipments TO/FROM Sierra Leone.

Shipments without ECTN number before vessel’s operations start must be removed from the load list and corresponding containers MUST NOT be loaded.

